Disabled Facilities Grants (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) - Who does it help?

You may be able to get a Disabled Facilities Grant from your local authority for work to your home.

Who does it help?

England, Wales and Northern Ireland

In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, you can get a Disabled Facilities Grant for things like making it easier to get in and out of your home, for example, by widening doors, providing ramps or suitable bathroom or kitchen facilities.

A local authority must give you a Disabled Facilities Grant if you meet the conditions for getting one. You can apply if you are an owner-occupier or a tenant.

If you are a tenant, you have to check that you are the one responsible for doing the work. If your landlord is responsible for doing the work, you will not be able to get a grant but your landlord may be able to apply for a grant instead.

There is a maximum amount of money you can get. How much you get depends on your household income and household savings over £6,000.


Disabled Facilities Grants aren't available for people who live in Scotland. If you live in Scotland you should contact your local Care and Repair Services for guidance on choosing adaptations and getting help paying for them.


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Disabled Facilities Grants (England, Wales and Northern Ireland) - How do I make a claim?

You may be able to get a Disabled Facilities Grant from your local authority for work to your home.

How do I make a claim?

In England and Wales

Contact your local council for more details about how to apply.

The government funds an organisation called Foundations who can help you to apply.

See also the GOV.UK information on Disabled Facilities Grants

In Northern Ireland

Contact your GP or social worker or your local Health and Social Care trust

In Scotland

Contact your local Care and Repair office.

Reviewed: April 2023


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