
Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit - What is Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit?

Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) is for people who are disabled because of an accident at work, or who have certain diseases caused by their work (but not if this is self-employment) IIDB is a no fault scheme paid by Department for Work and Pensions.

What is Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit?

Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit (IIDB) is for people who are disabled because of an accident at work, or who have certain diseases caused by their work (but not if this is self-employment)

IIDB is a no fault scheme paid by Department for Work and Pensions. No fault scheme means a claimant doesn’t have to prove their employer is at fault to claim IIDB.

If you want to claim compensation from your employer, you should contact your trade union if you’re a member or seek legal advice from a personal injury lawyer.

Applies to: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

Age rules: No age rules but you must have a contract of employment

Type of benefit: Non means tested

Taxable: No

Administered by: Department for Work and Pensions Industrial Injuries Benefits Centres

Reviewed: April 2023


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