
Add your grants to the Turn2us Grants Search

Reach more people who might benefit from your help by being listed on the Turn2us Grants Search.


Can my organisation register to be listed?

If your charity or organisation provides direct financial support to individuals in financial need, please register to appear on the Turn2us Grants Search. 

Please note: we can only list charities in the UK that give grants to individuals in need.

We currently list the following on the Grants Search:

  • a charity or not-for-profit organisation that gives direct financial grants to people who are facing financial difficulties.
  • A company that gives not for profit direct grants to individuals, for example, for educational purposes.

What are the advantages of being listed?

Being on the Turn2us Grants Search is an easy and free way to reach more people that might be eligible for your help.

We ask users to answer a series of questions before showing them the results. This means that only people who have actively selected a category that your organisation is tagged against will see your details.

Register for the Grants Search

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