
Pension Credit - How do I claim Pension Credit?

Pension Credit is extra money for low income pensioners to bring their weekly income up to a minimum amount.

How do I claim Pension Credit?

In England, Scotland and Wales

Phone the Pension Credit Claims Enquiry line:

If you have already claimed your State Pension, you can claim Pension Credit online on the Gov.UK website.

In Northern Ireland

Phone the Pension Service:

If you have already claimed your State Pension, you can claim Pension Credit online on the Gov.UK website.

When you make a claim for Pension Credit, the Pension Service will first decide whether you are entitled to any Guarantee Pension Credit, and if so how much. Then they will look at whether you can get any Savings Pension Credit.

What documents will I need to claim Pension Credit?

When you claim Pension Credit, you will be asked for:

  • Your national insurance (NI) number. This can be found on payslips, tax papers and letters from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

  • An idea of how much money you have coming in each week. For example, this could be details of any pension you get from a former employer or a personal pension plan, and how often it is paid.

  • Details of any savings and investments. The Pension Service will ask for the current balance in any bank and savings accounts as well as details of any investments, such as shares, premium bonds or unit trust certificates.

  • Information on housing costs, such as mortgage interest, service charges or ground rent.

If you have a partner, you will need to have the same information about them.

When will my Pension Credit claim begin?

A claim for Pension Credit can be backdated for up to three months if you would have been entitled to it earlier. It does not matter why your claim is late. Request this when claiming.

Change of circumstances

You must report changes in circumstance which might affect your entitlement to this benefit.


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