
Working Tax Credit - What is Working Tax Credit?

Working Tax Credit is money to help working people who are on a low income.

What is Working Tax Credit?

Working Tax Credit is being replaced by Universal Credit. Please go to ‘Can I get Working Tax Credit?’ for information on who can still claim.

Working Tax Credit is money provided to boost the income of working people who are on a low income. It does not matter whether you are working for someone else or are self-employed.

Working Tax Credit counts as income when working out your entitlement to most other means-tested benefits, such as Housing Benefit.

You can’t claim Working Tax Credit if you’re getting Universal Credit.

Applies to: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland

Age rules: You must be 16 or over, but in some circumstances you must be 25 or over

Type of benefit: Means tested

Taxable: No

Administered by: HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC)

Reviewed: September 2021


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