
Applying to the Turn2us Response Fund


Making an application to the Turn2us Response Fund on behalf of a client can be life-changing for them, and we can never thank you enough for all your effort in making this fund a force for good.

You have helped us distribute hundreds of thousands of pounds, none of which could have been done without you.

We want to encourage you to continue applying to the Response Fund with us, so we have put together some top tips for maximising the chances of a quick and successful application.

The basics

Explain clearly to the person you are assisting who we are and how we help.

Please also check the applicants occupation, as if they meet the criteria for the Elizabeth Finn Fund, they can apply for that instead.

We need clear, concise and accurate information about their situation and we need to see a full month's bank statement from all accounts that the applicant (and partner) hold.

Always ask if the applicant has an email address as this is our preferred method of communication. 

Please be as clear as possible about how the applicant meets the criteria for the fund (life-changing event) and how the need identified is related to this event. For example, funeral costs for a person recently bereaved.


With regards to income, we need to have one line completed for each benefit/pension or earnings received. This includes Child Tax Credits and child maintenance.

In the expenditure section, we need to see the full cost of rental or mortgage as well as any assistance they are receiving through housing benefits or DWP loans.

We also need the full  Council Tax cost on one line and then amount of Council Tax Reduction awarded if appropriate on another line.

If the applicant is in receipt of Universal Credit, we will need the Universal Credit award information along with the breakdown of the benefit.


If the applicant has recently moved into new accommodation or has been offered new housing and the application is to assist with items for the home, we need to see the front page of the tenancy document or offer letter confirming this.

We will also need information about what the most pressing needs are and what, if any, furniture or items they already have.

We will always try to help as quickly as possible, and a well-completed application will assist in the process and enable people we are able to award a grant to be assisted as quickly as possible.