
Benefits freeze increasing poverty levels


The combination of frozen working-age benefits and higher than expected inflation will push nearly half a million people into poverty, according to research by The Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF).

An expected 470,000 more people will be living in poverty by 2020/21 as a direct result of the continued benefits freeze.

Campbell Robb, chief executive of JRF, said: “People who are just managing at best are being hit in the pocket by the freeze on benefits and tax credits.

“It means millions of families are finding life even harder to make ends meet – whether paying for the weekly food shop, covering energy bills or finding enough money to pay the rent.”

Many of those who will fall into poverty over the next few years will be in working households.

A couple working full time on the National Living Wage with two children who also receive Universal Credit will be £832 per year worse off than they would’ve been had benefits kept up with inflation.

The benefits freeze will be the single biggest policy driver behind the expected rise in poverty between now and 2021.

If you are struggling, use the Turn2us Benefits Calculator to see what benefits you are entitled to.

You can also use the Grant Search to find a charitable fund that can help.