
Depression Alliance launches campaign


Work in Progress - Depression awareness week

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In Depression Awareness Week, Depression Alliance has launched ‘Work in Progress’ - a UK-wide campaign aimed at improving the employment rates of people with depression. This will involve working with incoming MPs from all parties to implement policies that will help millions of people with depression improve their employment prospects.

Prioritising support for people with depression to get back into employment

A UK-wide survey commissioned by Depression Allowance and European Depression Association shows that nearly three quarters of MPs believe the next Government (2015-20) should prioritise supporting people with depression to get back into employment (72%). MPs also agree that the Government should provide support to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) to promote prevention and early intervention in depression in the workplace (72%).

50 MPs participated in the cross-party survey. Other findings from the survey show that 60% of MPs agree that mental health problems such as depression are an important national policy issue in the UK (second only to cancer) and that cost-effective mental health services should have the same mandatory funding as physical health services (76%), with only 8% agreeing that the NHS is sufficiently prepared to manage depression efficiently.

Comment from the Chief Executive of Depression Alliance

Emer O’Neill, Chief Executive of Depression Alliance says, “With one in every six working-age people living with depression at any one time, improving awareness and support for individuals and businesses is critical. People with depression can work, yet it is still a taboo, with too many people – individuals and employers - afraid to discuss the issue and find meaningful and appropriate solutions.”

“Beyond providing income, work provides structure and focus, it creates social opportunities and give us a sense of achievement and it’s a very important part of maintaining recovery from depression.”

She added: “The majority of MPs agree that this should be a priority of the next government, so we call on the incoming class of 2015 MPs to work with us to improve employment rates for people with depression in order to boost businesses and strengthen the UK economy.”

Source: Depression Alliance news item: Depression Alliance launch ‘Work in Progress’

Date of publication: 21 April 2015