
GroceryAid turns 160


Congratulations to our friends at GroceryAid on their 160th birthday. The charity continues to help thousands of grocery people with financial support and practical help.

"To mark this historic milestone", the charity says, "we're encouraging the industry to spread word of GroceryAid on social media and help us to raise awareness using the hashtag #160yearsstrong.

“It is a true testament to the outstanding support of the grocery industry that we have reached this marker, we really couldn't do it without them."

Founded in 1857

The charity was founded in 1857 and has been trading under the GroceryAid name since October 2012. The charity has been strengthened over the years through the addition of numerous other charities from the London Grocers & Tea Dealers Federation to the Grocers Federation Benevolent Fund, the Grocers Employees National Benevolent Fund and most recently in 2012 when the charity merged with the Confectioners Benevolent Fund, Sweet Charity.

We'd like to send a huge thank you to the thousands of supporters over the years who have helped GroceryAid get to the place it is today.

In the words of Winston Churchill: “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Today, thousands of grocery people turn to GroceryAid for financial support and practical assistance. Whether a small independent retailer or supermarket employee, a supplier, a production line worker, wholesaler or a delivery driver, GroceryAid can offer wide-ranging support.

People GroceryAid have helped

The type of stories GroceryAid hear from the people they help may surprise you.

You can watch the video below:


Or read some of GroceryAid's stories on the charity's website

Further information

For more details on the support GroceryAid can provide, please visit the GroceryAid website or call the GroceryAid Helpline on 08088 021122.

Read the Turn2us Grants Search profile on GroceryAid

Read the Turn2us Grants Spotlight feature on GroceryAid