
Hospitality Action's Winter Fuel Grant Scheme


We first launched our Winter Fuel Grant scheme during the winter of 2010/2011 in response to increasing requests for help with essential fuel bills. We initially targeted pensioners with the aim of reducing winter deaths from preventable cold-related health conditions.

As we were seeing more and more applications for help from people in work, during the 2014/2015 winter period, we expanded the scheme to also cover people currently working within the hospitality industry who were on a low income.

Every year demand for this type of grant increases and we witnessed a 40% increase in applications between 2013/2014 and 2014/2015. We expect to receive even more requests for help this winter. So we have recently launched our “Keep Out the Chill” campaign where we are ask those working within the hospitality industry who financially do not need their government Winter Fuel Payment to consider donating it to Hospitality Action to support our Winter Fuel Grant scheme.

Who is eligible?

People over 60 who have spent at least seven years working in the hospitality industry in the UK and are on a low income

This grant scheme is linked to our Family Members Scheme, which is a free contact scheme. To apply contact Jenny Gill, our Family Members Scheme Coordinator, on 020 3004 5508.

People currently working within the hospitality industry and earning a low wage

You must be:

  • Be responsible for paying the household fuel bills

  • Have a household income of £16,000 or less for single applicants or £25,000 or less for couples and families

  • Have savings of less than £5,000 for single applicants or £8,000 or less for couples and families.

To apply for the grant all you need to do is:

  • Provide us with evidence of your current employment within the hospitality industry

  • Give us evidence of your entire household income

  • Complete a short three page application form. This can be printed from our website or you can contact us to send out a copy.

Applications can be considered until 31st March 2016 and are limited to one per household.

The grants

The grants are for £100 and will not be paid out until January 2016. If more help than this is required or it is required sooner than January 2016, then please complete our full application process (see the Grants page on the Hospitality Action website).