
Meet: Family Fund

Family Fund helps families of disabled or seriously ill children on low incomes.

This article is 19 months old
Family Fund staff


Who does Family Fund help?

We help families on low-income raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people up to the age of 24 years old, nationwide. Our eligibility criteria is based on the social model of disability.

How can Family Fund help?

Family Fund provides essential grants and services to the people who need them the most. 

Our main grant scheme supports families raising disabled or seriously-ill children aged 17 or under.

We also have some additional grant programmes such as Your Opportunity, that enable young disabled people aged 18-24 to gain independence, and our Family Fund Mobility Support, that helps families to meet their mobility needs through a car-leasing package.

We provide a wide range of grant items such as family breaks, kitchen appliances, furniture, computers, tablets, bedding and clothing. We consider requests that meet the needs of our families and are not otherwise provided by statutory services..

We also provide services including digital skills training and information/advice on how to access the support families need.

What has Family Fund been up to recently?

Last year, we provided over 170,000 grants and services to families across the UK and had over 115,000 calls to our First Contact Team.

What’s next?

In 2023, we are celebrating our 50th anniversary year. Fifty years and over 1.5 million grants later, much as changed but our mission remains the same. We want to continue to grow our support to families raising disabled and seriously ill children and young people.

We will explore families’ needs and the issues they face to both shape what we do and to ensure their voice is heard by policymakers.

How can people find out more?

Anyone can visit our: