
Money Guider Network - England


What is the Money Guiders England Network?

The Money Guiders England Network is a free learning and development programme influenced by its members, and complementing the Money and Pensions Service (MaPS) competency framework for money guiders. It is open to organisations and individuals who provide any level of money guidance as part of their support to people, and who wish to be part of a supportive practitioner network.  

Quaker Social Action (QSA), which has been involved in money guidance for over fifteen years through its pioneering Made of Money financial wellbeing programme, is delighted to be at the heart of this conversation amongst fellow practitioners in partnership with MaPS.

“Networking and events help with increased knowledge and information about where to get help when you don’t know the answers yourself”.

Network member feedback 

What is Money Guidance?  

Money guidance is any kind of conversation, information, signposting or guidance about money. It can cover a vast range of subjects to improve a client’s financial resilience. It is separate from the regulated services provided by banks, financial institutions and debt advice agencies. Money guiders will be able to support clients into these regulated services when necessary.

You might be a frontline worker, leader or volunteer who has conversations about money, makes referrals or signposts. We are interested in hearing from you whatever your sector and job role – money mentors, social prescribers, grant providers, employment coaches, housing or homelessness projects, mental health services to name a few. 

“Since I attended the training I have made changes to how we deliver services and adopted new tools. This has seen an increase in engagement levels from our service users”.

Network member feedback 

What has the network done so far?

The purpose of the network is to create as many engaging opportunities as possible for as many practitioners as possible, to talk to each other, learn together, and share their experience.  Since March 2021, QSA has facilitated 12 free network events, with 184 attendees in total.  The events have covered a wide range of topics of interest to money guiders, including debt advice, loan sharks, Healthy Start vouchers and paying for a funeral.  We’ve also had very successful discussion forums building confidence for starting difficult conversations and supporting people impacted by the removal of the £20 uplift to Universal Credit.

“I was made aware of support for struggling customers that I wasn’t aware of before”.

Network member feedback 

Why join the Money Guider England Network?

This is your opportunity to join a free supportive and growing community of money guidance professionals. 

By joining the network you will have access to: 

  • Free training, events and resources  

  • Access to the money guidance competency framework and self-development tools

  • Support with topics covered in the MaPS e-learning resources 

  • Opportunities for service improvement.  

How Money Guider Network helped one network member 

One money guider who attended our Healthy Start vouchers awareness events said that although she had been working as a money guider in a housing organisation for over a year she hadn’t heard of the scheme, which provides free milk, fruit, vegetables, pulses and vitamins to eligible children and families.

She was shocked at the low uptake levels of the vouchers in her region and within our awareness event she committed to champion the vouchers where relevant.

Following the session, she told us that she provided her team with an update on Healthy Start and produced an internal blog for the wider organisation.  She now also supports eligible clients to sign up to receive the vouchers. 

How to join Money Guiders Network - England

Sign up to the Money Guiders Network - England online form

Browse the Money Guiders Network website

Contact us

If you have any questions, contact us directly at email:

More information on How do the money guidance competency framework and development tools work? - YouTube