
Q&A: Charitable grants for white goods


What are white goods?

White goods are large household items such as cookers, washing machines, dryers, fridges and freezers that use electricity, gas or some other kind of fuel. These are often made with enamel-coated materials that are white in colour. 

Are grants for white goods available from charitable funds?

Many of the charitable funds listed on our Grants Search give grants to people in financial need to help with the cost of white goods as well as other essential household items such as beds and bedding.

Who is eligible for help?

To be eligible for a grant, you have to meet a charitable fund’s qualifying rules (eligibility criteria). 

In most cases, this includes experiencing financial hardship. This may be because you are surviving on a low income with little or no savings to fall back on and/or a change in circumstances, such as bereavement or job loss, has caused you financial problems.

In addition to this, the rules might relate to:

  • Disabilities or illnesses

  • Debts or hardship in meeting priority bills

  • Working or having worked in certain jobs or industries

  • A specific faith, nationality or culture

  • Living in a particular part of the UK

  • Being of a certain age – e.g. ‘older people’ or ‘children and ‘young people aged under 18’.

Many funds also help the dependants of people they help – their partners, ex-partners or dependant children.

Why do people need a grant for white goods?

People need help with the cost of white goods for a number of reasons.

For the last decade or more, the UK has been in the grips of an economic recession, accompanied by benefits cuts, job losses and pay freezes. More people than ever before are struggling financially – even many people who are in work.

Unable to afford to replace white goods, they rely on old appliances that they have had for many years or do without them when they break down. As well as the risk of fire or gas leakage, these items can often be very energy inefficient and consequently expensive to run.

Illness and disabilities may require people to follow particular diets, keep medication refrigerated or have frequent changes of clothes - needs that can be impossible to do if you can’t afford to buy or replace the essential household items you need.

The help that charitable funds provide obviously helps people in need on a practical level. It also has positive effects on their mental health and abilities to cope with the circumstances that life has thrown at them.

How are grants for white goods given?

Each charity will have its own process for giving grants for white goods.

For example, Family Fund, which helps families with disabled children, works in partnership with a company to offer a wide range of kitchen items, which have a comprehensive warranty. While Licensed Trade Charity, which helps people in England and Wales who work in bars, pubs and other aspects of the licensed trade industry, pays suppliers rather than giving cash grants.

How can I find a grant?

You can use our Grants Search  to look for any charitable funds that may be able to help you, based on your background, situation and needs.

Read our Grants: What you need to know section

You may also find the following helpful:

Read our Grants for Energy Efficiency guide

Read our Energy Schemes guide

Read our Water Schemes guide

Find out more about our #LivingWithout campaign


*Please note there are several energy trust funds, including:

E.ON Energy Fund may be able to help you with the cost of energy bills as well as with household items such as cookers, fridges and boilers. The charity helps vulnerable customers of any energy company.