
Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week


Approximately 85,000 women and 12,000 men are raped in England and Wales alone every year and nearly half a million adults are sexually assaulted. Only around 15% of people who experience sexual violence choose to report this crime to the Police and about 90% of those who are raped know the perpetrator prior to the offence.(1)

Many of the people who visit our website or call our helpline are seeking help because of sexual violence; and key words such as 'sexual abuse', 'sexual violence', 'assault', 'domestic abuse', ' domestic violence'' are commonly used by individuals using our Grants Search.

This week, we are supporting the first Sexual Abuse and Sexual Violence Awareness Week - a campaign supported by several leading charities working in the field, to encourage discussion about sexual abuse and sexual violence and how to prevent this in the UK.

The message of this week is 'it's not okay' - that all forms of sexual abuse and sexual violence are unacceptable and victims and survivors should not have to tolerate it. There should also be adequate services to support those who have experienced it and clear guidelines for reporting it. This is an all inclusive campaign to support anyone who has experienced sexual abuse or sexual violence, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, identity, age, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or religion.

If you have experienced sexual violence or abuse

If you are in immediate danger, phone 999 and ask for the Police.

If you need information, advice and support on sexual abuse/violence and what help is available, the charities listed at the end of this news article can advise further.

Turn2us tools and resources can help you find financial support

Money to start a new life away from your abuser can be a key factor if you are or have been sexually abused.

Turn2us tools and information resources can help you find out what might be available to help you through benefits and grants.


You can use our Benefits Calculator to check your entitlement to benefits.

Our Your Situation information section includes the following sections which you might find helpful, depending on your situation:


Although there aren't many that specifically help people experiencing sexual abuse/violence, many charities listed on this interactive tool can provide support, if you meet their qualifying rules.

This might be a charitable fund:

  • Attached to an occupation or industry you work in or used to work in. For instance, for anyone who works in or has worked in the banking sector, whatever their job, the Bank Workers' Charity offers support if you have experienced abuse of any kind
  • That helps individuals and families on low incomes who are living in difficult situations
  • That supports people who have a particular faith or nationality
  • A local fund that helps people in need who live in a particular area.

Many funds also help the dependents of people their fund supports – e.g. their partners, ex-partners or dependent children.

Find an Adviser

If you need advice on your particular situation, our Find an Adviser tool can help you find local experts, including Citizens Advice offices in your area and local services that help people who have experienced rape, sexual abuse, domestic violence, forced marriage or female genital mutilation (FGM).

Charities that support people who have experience sexual violence or abuse


Women and children


Men and boys


(1) Rape Crisis website 2016
