
Things you can do while volunteering digitally


Lauren Hogan, Turn2us, Volunteering Officer, discusses the benefits of volunteering digitally.

Digital volunteering is fast becoming a popular way to volunteer.

What’s great about being a digital volunteer is that you can take part wherever you want. You don’t have to be in a certain place at a particular time. You have the flexibility to fit volunteering into your day-to-day life. Whether you are in full or part-time work, have caring responsibilities or a disability that affects your ability to leave the house you may find that digital volunteering can work for you.

As a digital volunteer you can:

1. Volunteer while you wait for the train that is always late

Digital buddy volunteer on a tube station

2. Volunteer on your comfy sofa while your little one has their midday nap

Digital buddy sitting on sofa

3. Volunteer at the polling station while you vote

Digital buddy at a polling station

4. Volunteer while you wait for the kettle to boil or on your lunch break at work

Young woman looking at her phone in a kitchen

5. Volunteer while relaxing at a coffee shop

Digital buddy at coffee shop

Motivation to become a Digital Buddy

One of our Connect volunteers told us what motivated them to become a Digital Buddy.

“I'm on ESA (Employment and Support Allowance). I have experience of applying for benefits and have done loads of research about benefits. I've just been granted PIP (Personal Independence Payment) after a 20 month long ordeal. I need to show that I am working towards getting employment and I think this would be a great way of doing something constructive and getting some experience. I'm pretty much housebound and this criteria seams to fit me perfectly.”

Find out more

If you would like to find out more about our digital volunteering opportunities visit the volunteering section of our website or contact us via or call: 020 8834 9218.