
Time to Talk Day


Today is the fourth 'Time to Talk Day' - held annually on the first Thursday in February. The aim is to get everyone talking to break the silence around mental health problems.

Why talk?

Mental health problems affect one in four of us -  yet people are still afraid to talk about it.

For people with mental health problems not being able to talk about it can be one of the worst parts of the illness.

So by getting people talking about mental health we can break down stereotypes, improve relationships, aid recovery and take the stigma out of something that affects us all.

At Turn2us, we know how important it is to support such awareness campaigns and the help that is available to anyone affected by mental health issues. Many people who use our services have been diagnosed with mental health conditions. Plus debt, struggling to pay the bills and difficulties with benefits claims or fear of losing benefits are also all important factors that contribute to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety.

About Time to Talk Day

Since Time to Talk Day first launched in 2014, it has sparked millions of conversations in schools, homes, workplaces, in the media and online.

As a result of the day, people have felt able to share their experiences without shame for the first time and have started supporting those around them. After that first conversation, people feel more comfortable talking about mental health and more likely to talk about it again – that one chat can have a huge impact.

What people say about Time to Talk Day

"Every time someone tells me about their own experience with mental illness, all I ever feel is privileged that they've chosen to share with me.”

“I took to Twitter and found there were other people out there just like me.  Other people who were off work...  Other people who were trying to cope with the turmoil that was happening to them right there and then.  I no longer felt alone.”

"It's #timetotalk because if you say something, you realise how many people around you haven't, and needed to."

“The day gives people "permission" to at last talk, to feel understood, to feel part of something instead of feeling isolated.”

“I posted very openly about my struggles with borderline personality disorder (BPD). I explained exactly what the illness entails and how it affects me. The support was awesome.”

Mental health charities

If you need information, advice or help, the following mental health charities may be able to help you:

You can find out more about Time to Talk Day and other mental health campaigns on the Time To Change website.

Struggling financially? Use Turn2us tools and services to find help

If you have an illness or disability, the Your situation: Ill, Injured or Disabled' section of our website has useful information on benefits, grants and other forms of support that may be available to you. You may also find other pages of the Your Situation section helpful, depending on your particular circumstances.

If you are struggling financially, you can use our Benefits Calculator to check your entitlement to benefits and our Grants Search to see if you are eligible for help from a charitable fund, based on your personal circumstances and needs.

We also have a Find an Adviser tool to help you find face-to-face advice in your local area. This includes local Mind and other mental health charities in your area.

Source: Time to Talk press release on the Time To Change website