
Turn2us joins the End Child Poverty coalition


Turn2us has joined the End Child Poverty coalition – a body of more than 100 organisations including charities, child welfare organisations, faith groups and others united in a vision of a UK free of child poverty.

The coalition campaigns to achieve its vision by:

  • Informing the public about the causes and effects of child poverty
  • Forging commitment between, and across, the public, private and voluntary sectors to end child poverty by 2020
  • Promoting the case for ending child poverty with this and every future Government.

In January, we worked with the coalition to publish new figures that provide a new Child Poverty Map of the UK.

Mapping each constituency, local authority and ward in the UK, the research shows that in some areas of the UK over 50% of children now live in poverty.

The figures also show that some of the most deprived areas of the UK have seen the biggest increases in child poverty since the coalition’s last local child poverty figures for December 2015.

You can see the latest figures, and use an interactive map to find the level of child poverty in local authorities across the UK, on the End Child Poverty website.