
Turn2us's top news stories


Universal Credit in 15 more jobcentres in Suffolk, Berkshire and Yorkshire

The Department for Work and Pensions has announced that Universal Credit is being extended to 15 more Jobcentres in Suffolk, Berkshire and Yorkshire. 

Britain's shadow chancellor John McDonnell is set to to unveil the Labour Party's backing for the Financial Transaction Tax, more commonly known as the Robin Hood Tax.

But what is it, and what does it mean for the UK?

The idea of Robin Hood Tax was first put forward by US economist James Tobin in the 70s, and was so popular with the public that it became somewhat of a movement. It is essentially a tiny tax on the financial sector that places 0.05% tax trades involving stocks, bonds, foreign currency and derivative. If put into action, it could generate £250 billion a year globally.

Fuel poverty worsens in Preston despite £70,000 council campaign
Latest figures show 13 per cent of households in the city, 7,500 in total, are still classed as being ‘fuel poor’.
In November last year, it was reported that the same percentage of households, and a total of 7,400, were fuel poor, with that number now even higher.

Leaders say as fast as they are helping some families, others are falling into fuel poverty.

Care International UK's Lend With Care loan platform bringing capitalism to the world’s poor

A recent venture from Care International UK  “Lend with Care”, is helping to lift some of the poorest people on earth out of poverty with dignity, by providing them with loans so that they can start or expand a business.

After current welfare reform, £1.1 billion of cuts on the way in Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is in line for a cut in welfare spending of around £1.1 billion over the next four years — on top of the benefit changes which Stormont has continued to block.