
Turn2us scoops award for helpline services


Mark Cowan (pictured right), who works for the Turn2us helpline, was awarded first prize in the highly coveted Helpline Employee of the Year Award. Judges commented: “It really came across how warm and friendly Mark is; he is a credit to his team and organisation”.
“This is an example of someone with a specialist skill but has wider impact on the service as a result of their commitment and values. As well as contributing to some valuable system developments and improvements, he positively contributes to the teams energy and effectiveness on all levels.”
Turn2us provides help to people living in financial hardship in the UK and Ireland. It does this primarily through its website but also provides helpline support for those who have difficulty accessing online services.
Head of Helpline Services Kirsten McKenzie commented: “We are absolutely delighted that Mark has been given this award in recognition of his hard work for Turn2us. As a charity that supports people living in poverty Mark combines knowledge of what support is available with the compassion and enthusiasm needed to make a difference”.
The Helplines Partnership Awards recognise the achievements and celebrates the successes of member helplines, celebrating improvements helplines have made to people’s wellbeing either locally or nationally. The annual event also highlights ground-breaking technological changes in the way helplines are run as well as recognising the achievements of those helplines, teams and individuals who have responded most successfully to the demands being placed on them. You can find out more on the Helplines Partnership website.

McKenzie added: “Winning this award is a real testament to the relationship we have built and the service we provide. The Turn2us helpline is a vital tool that enables the charity to support those that cannot access our support from the website. Mark gives so much to his role, and in turn this makes a real difference to the lives of so many who are living in financial hardship. This award is very well deserved.”

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