
Uprating benefits: 3 reasons to write to your MP

This article is 22 months old


1. The budget announcement is fast approaching 

With the latest budget due to be announced on 17th November, there is still time to put pressure on the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his government.  

Sunak has spoken about his commitment to protecting the most vulnerable. In these crucial days before the budget is announced, MPs need to put as much pressure as possible on him to stay true to this commitment by uprating all benefits in line with inflation.  

Uprating benefits is the bare minimum needed to give those of us who receive them enough to live on.  


2. people are already facing financial insecurity  

Inflation is at a 40-year high, and it’s having a devastating impact on people’s daily lives. While it has affected millions of UK households, those of us on the lowest incomes have borne the brunt of it. Research shows that households with lower incomes to begin with have ended up facing higher inflation rates because more of their budget is spent on energy.   

Parents are already skipping meals to put food on the table for their children and forgoing hot water. It is no longer a choice between heating and eating for many of us. The reality is to go without both.  


3. The number of people in financial insecurity is growing  

While those of us on the lowest incomes have been hit hardest, the cost of living crisis is hitting working-age people across the country. More than one in three people in Great Britain have already reduced their energy consumption, and 16 million have cut back on food and other essentials.  

“Benefits are not a lifestyle choice”, says Michael Clarke, Head of Information Programmes at Turn2us. “In the current cost-of-living crisis, more people than ever have to rely on benefits, including people in work. The current benefits system is not robust, and people are being denied dignity because of it.” 

How do I write? 

We are urging you to contact your MP to ask them to uprate benefits. As the budget announcement approaches rapidly, it’s never been more urgent. You can easily find your MP and send them an email using our template. 

Write to your MP today.