
Young Women's Trust launches grants service


Young Women’s Trust has launched an exciting new grants service aimed at giving young women on low incomes the practical support they need to help them find work or take their next step in employment. This might include tools, training, transport or technology.
The service has been designed and delivered by young women alongside charity staff. It comes after Young Women’s Trust found that there were no readily available grants services that focus on young women - despite this group facing significant financial barriers to finding work.

Who is eligible for a Young Women's Trust grant?

The scheme is available to women living in England and Wales, who are claiming work-related state benefits and actively looking for or committed to progressing in work.

The charity does not give cash but will buy things on young women’s behalf that they think will help them.

This might include:

  • Clothing and looking smart for interviews and at work

  • Courses and other training opportunities

  • Technology, including laptops, tablets and software

  • Tools and goods, particularly if you want to work for yourself or are self-employed, for example as a builder or hairdresser

  • Transport costs, and getting to work or interviews.

Grants given during the test phase included a camera and place on a photography course, a travel card to get to work and an outfit for a job interview. Young women have also been able to set up and progress their own businesses.

An average of £350 is spent on each grant – with a maximum amount of £500.

How to apply for a Young Women's Trust grant

Applications for this round of grant-giving close on Monday 17 July 2017 at 12.00 noon.

Applications can be made online on Young Women's Trust website

The Trust's staff can support young women with their applications.

Other rounds will follow until the end of the year

"It's given me a lot of motivation"

One young woman who has benefited from the service said:
“For a long-time I’ve suffered with depression and problems which have challenged me to find suitable work. I’ve never been able to afford to do the sort of things that I like – i.e. hair and beauty. I’ve never been able to really have the confidence to work and keep a job. Now that I’ve been able to have this grant and get back in to training, doing the things that I love, it’s given me a lot of motivation, and therefore the confidence to shine and to work and to study again. It’s contributing to my well-being, not just to my work; it’s allowing me to meet people, make friends, develop my social skills, and that’s why I said it’s given me confidence. It’s been life changing. It’s helped me to go to job interviews, and it’s helped me to work.”
A second young woman, who was given clothes for job interviews, said:
“The jacket I was wearing had holes in. I was getting self-conscious. I was anxious how I was coming across. I’m a young black woman; people already have a judgement.”

Young Women's Trust Chief Executive's comments

Dr Carole Easton OBE, Young Women’s Trust Chief Executive, said:
“Young women want to work but they often face huge financial barriers. Childcare and transport costs can be prohibitive and prevent women even going for interviews. Setting up a business or attending a training course can be impossible without substantial savings. Sometimes young women don’t have a computer to apply for a job or an outfit for a job interview.
“Young Women’s Trust’s new grants service will help young women to overcome those barriers and take the next step towards work. We have worked closely with young women to design and deliver the service, to ensure it meets their needs.
“By giving young women the tools they need to find work, we hope to reduce their risk of being trapped in poverty. Businesses too will be able to benefit from young women’s fantastic talents.” 

Find out more about Young Women's Trust

Read Young Women's Trust's profile on the Turn2us Grants Search


Young Women's Trust news release: Young Women's Trust launches new grants service to support women into work

Photo: Members of the Young Women's Trust Advisory Panel (Copyright Young Women's Trust and used with permission)