
Royal London Partnership


Why Turn2us and Royal London are working together

Unexpected life shocks, such as redundancy, unexpected illness or losing a loved one, can often have a big impact on finances and pull people into financial hardship.

Research shows that one in three UK adults (17.6 million people) say they wouldn’t be able to manage without their income, or cope financially in the event of a life shock.

Since March 2020, an additional 4.2 million people said they don’t have enough money to last them to the end of the month.

This strategic partnership will enhance our existing impact through awareness raising, campaigning, sharing insight and expertise and providing vital funding.

Together, we want to build a society where everyone has the tools, support and resilience they need to recover from a life shock.

Find out more about Royal London

The Royal London team believe that they are mutually responsible for the wellbeing of customers, their families and their communities.

They are already helping customers to make sure they can prevent life shocks from becoming a crisis and support them through difficult times.

But Royal London want to do more. They want to make a longer-lasting impact – and believe the collaboration with Turn2us is key to achieving this.


Funding the Turn2us Helpline 

Royal London and Turn2us’s partnership has been vital in ensuring Turn2us can sustain the current levels of service through the helpline, continuing to extend the reach of practical support to those facing life shocks.

Since the start of the partnership in 2020, Royal London has donated and fundraised over £500,000 for Turn2us’s Helpline, supporting over 80,000 people and ensuring they had access to vital help and information in the face of a financial crisis.

In December 2021 Turn2us launched its Winter Appeal whereby people could donate to our Crowdfunder campaign and be a lifeline to families facing financial hardship during the festive period. Together, we trialled our first public matched funding campaign to increase public donations to great success.

Thanks to the £25,000 matched funding pot from Royal London, we far surpassed the goal of £35,000 and raised £51,339 from the public, taking the total to over £75,000 including the match to help families through the winter.

This extra funding will help more families and individuals who are struggling to afford basic needs, and could help fund answering up to 15,000 more calls for help.  

The partnership has engaged customers and colleagues through fundraising initiatives. From the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Challenge to events such as the London Marathon and the Great North Run, the support of colleagues has ensured even more money is raised for people experiencing financial hardship.