
What information do I need before I do a benefits calculation?

Before using our Benefits Calculator, it's helpful to gather up the information and documents that you will need to answer these questions as you work through the tool.


Collect the information listed on this page before you use our Benefits Calculator

Our Benefits Calculator asks you a series of questions in order to calculate your entitlement to benefits and tax credits.

Before using our Benefits Calculator, it's helpful to gather up the information and documents that you will need to answer these questions as you work through the tool.

These include:

  • Details of all your income. This will include benefits, tax credits, earnings from employment, State Retirement Pension and occupational pensions

  • If you are married, in a civil partnership or living with someone as a couple, you will need details of your partner’s income as well. We need to know this as your benefit entitlement will be assessed as a couple

  • Details of how much money you have in savings, investments and other capital

  • How much your annual Council Tax bill is and whether you get any discounts, reductions or exemptions

  • Details of your rent or mortgage payments

  • Information about anyone else living with you, such as grown-up children. Are they in employment or on benefits? What is their income?

  • Whether anyone receives Carer's Allowance for looking after you or anyone else in your household.

You may find it helpful to use our Benefits Calculator checklist to collect the information you need.

Are you ready?

Use the Benefits Calculator