
Benefits Overpayment - How do I avoid an overpayment of benefit?

Guide to Benefits Overpayments, what they are, why they happen and what you should do if you have been overpaid

How do I avoid an overpayment of benefit?

There are a number of ways you can help to avoid the risk of an overpayment:

  • Make sure that you provide accurate information and answer questions correctly when you make a claim; answer questions from the benefit office; or report a change in your circumstances

  • Read letters and leaflets carefully. For example, check that your details are correctly recorded on your benefit award notice. Read the letters and leaflets that come with your award notice carefully to ensure you know what changes to your circumstances you need to report to the benefits office

  • Report changes in your circumstances as soon as you know about them

  • Report any unexpected or duplicate payments of benefit you receive to the benefit office.


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