
Best Start Grants Scotland - How do I challenge a Best Start Grant decision?

Grants for babies and children in Scotland

How do I challenge a Best Start Grant decision?

Applies to: Scotland

If you don’t agree with the decision made on your claim for a Best Start Grant (Pregnancy and Baby Payment, Early Learning Payment and School Age Payment), you can ask Social Security Scotland to look again at the decision. This is called a ‘redetermination’. The letter telling you about the decision should explain how to ask for a redetermination. You need to ask for a redetermination within 31 days of the decision, though if you have a good reason for missing this deadline it can sometimes be extended to up to one year. If you are asking for a redetermination late, you should explain on your form why it is late.

If Social Security Scotland does the redetermination and you still don’t agree with their decision, you can appeal to a first-tier tribunal. You have 31 days from the date of the redetermination to ask for an appeal but this can be extended if you have a good reason for missing the deadline. You should be sent the form to request an appeal with the letter telling you the decision on the redetermination. If your appeal is late, you should explain on the form why it is late.

Read more information about requesting a redetermination or an appeal on Scottish Government website. 


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