
Carer's Credits - How do I claim Carer's Credits?

Carer's Credits helps carers fill gaps in their national insurance record to help them qualify for the State Pension and other benefits.

How do I claim Carer's Credits?

If you are entitled to Carer’s Allowance, Universal Credit or Income Support as a carer, you should receive national insurance credits automatically.

However, if you need to claim Carer's Credits because you are caring for a disabled person and you don't receive Universal Credit, Income Support or Carer’s Allowance, and you don't receive credits through any other benefit (for example Child Benefit), you will need to apply using the Department for Work and Pensions’ Carer's Credit application form.

The earliest you can ask for your Carer's Credit to start from is the start of the last full tax year. For example, if you complete the form in June 2023, the earliest you can ask for your credits to start would be 6 April 2022.

What documents will I need to claim Carer’s Credits?

If the person you are looking after is not entitled to a qualifying benefit, you will need to ask a health or social care professional who knows the person you are caring for to complete a care certificate. You should send the care certificate with the application form.

When will my Carer’s Credit claim begin?

The earliest your Carer’s Credit claim can begin is the start of the last full tax year. A tax year runs from 6 April one year to 5 April the following year. The last full tax year was 2022/23 and ended on 5 April 2023.

Change of circumstances

You must report changes in your circumstances which might affect your entitlement to this credit.

Updated: April 2023


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