
Education Maintenance Allowance EMA - Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland - How much does Education and Maintenance Allowance (EMA) pay?

Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) is extra money for students aged 16-19 in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

How much does Education and Maintenance Allowance (EMA) pay?

EMA comes in weekly payments of:

  • £30 in Scotland and Northern Ireland
  • £40 in Wales

If you live in Northern Ireland, on top of your weekly amount, you may also get bonuses if you continue to do well and meet targets set by your teacher when you start.

You will only get your money if you regularly attend and work hard on your course.

It is not affected by any money you earn from part-time work and will not make any difference to any benefits your parents or guardians get.

Updated: April 2023


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