
Job Start Payment - Scotland - How do I challenge a Job Start Payment - Scotland?

Payments for young people in Scotland moving into work

How do I challenge a Job Start Payment - Scotland?


If you don't agree with a decision on your Job Start Payment claim, you must first ask for a redetermination.

You should be sent a form with the decision letter that you can use to request a redetermination. 

In general, you need to request a redetermination within 31 days of receiving the original decision. If you miss this time limit, you can still request a redetermination. However, you will have to explain why you missed the time limit.


If you are still unhappy with the decision after the redetermination, you can appeal to the First Tier Tribunal. This is an independent court that will look again at the decision and decide whether or not it was correct. Tribunals are not very formal and you don't have to have a lawyer to represent you

Your redetermination decision should give you information on how to appeal to the First Tier Tribunal.

Appeals can be complicated, so it is a good idea to speak to an adviser.



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