
Statutory Maternity Pay - How do I claim Statutory Maternity Pay?

Statutory Maternity Pay is a weekly payment for women who are on maternity leave from work.

How do I claim Statutory Maternity Pay?

To claim Statutory Maternity Pay, you must tell your employer that you are pregnant and will be off work because of the birth.

You must tell them 28 days before you decide to start maternity leave. Your employer may need you to tell them in writing.

What documents will I need to claim Statutory Maternity Pay?

When you tell your employer that you will be off work because of your pregnancy, they will want to see a medical certificate (a MATB1). Your doctor or midwife will issue this certificate no earlier than 20 weeks before your baby is due.

When will my Statutory Maternity Pay claim begin?

The earliest that you can start your maternity leave, and therefore start getting Statutory Maternity Pay, is the 11th week before the baby is due.

The latest you can start your maternity leave, and therefore start getting Statutory Maternity Pay, is the week after the week when the baby is born. You can choose when you want your Statutory Maternity Pay to start within this period, unless you are sick.

If you are sick with a pregnancy-related illness in the six weeks before your baby is due, your Statutory Maternity Pay will start the week following the week you become sick. If you are sick with a non-pregnancy related illness, you can claim Statutory Sick Pay until the week the baby is due.

Change of circumstances

You must report changes in your circumstances which might affect your entitlement to this benefit.


Reviewed: June 2022


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