
Statutory Sick Pay - How do I claim Statutory Sick Pay?

Statutory Sick Pay is money paid to you by your employer if you are sick and unable to work.

How do I claim Statutory Sick Pay?

The way you claim Statutory Sick Pay depends on your employer. They may have their own rules about how you should show that you cannot work. You will generally need to tell your employer within 7 days of becoming ill but some employers have a shorter deadline.

Usually, you have to fill in a form provided by your employer for the first week you are unable to work. Or you could write a letter explaining that you are sick (the postmark is taken as the date you informed them), or phone them.

Another option is to fill in Form SC2 (Employee's Statement of Sickness) which you can get from your doctor's surgery or download: Form SC2

What documents will I need to claim Statutory Sick Pay?

After the first week, you usually have to send a doctor's certificate or fit note to your employer to get Statutory Sick Pay. 

When will my Statutory Sick Pay claim begin?

You do not get Statutory Sick Pay for the first three days you are sick. It is paid from the fourth day. However, if you have already had a period of sick leave in the previous eight weeks, you can usually claim from the first day as it is counted as one period of 'incapacity for work'.

Change of circumstances

You must report changes in your circumstances which might affect your entitlement to this benefit.



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