
Sure Start Maternity Grant - How much Sure Start Maternity Grant will I get?

A Sure Start Maternity Grant is a one-off payment to help with the costs of having a new baby

How much Sure Start Maternity Grant will I get?

A Sure Start Maternity Grant is £500.

If you are having a multiple birth (like twins or triplets) you might be able to get more than £500. 

If you are expecting a multiple birth and there are no other children under 16 in the household, you will get £500 for each baby.

If you are expecting a multiple birth and there are children under 16 in the household already, you will not get a grant for the first of the multiple births, but you will for the others. For example, Beth is expecting triplets. She already has a 5 year old. Beth will not get a payment for the first of the triplets, but will for the other two. So Beth will get £1000.

Benefit Cap

A Sure Start Maternity Grant is not included in the Benefit Cap which limits the total amount in some benefits that working-age people can receive.

How will I be paid a Sure Start Maternity Grant?

A Sure Start Maternity Grant is paid directly into your bank account.

Sure Start Maternity Grant and other benefits

A Sure Start Maternity Grant does not count as income when calculating your entitlement to other means-tested benefits.


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