
Young person (aged 16-18)

If you are a young person, in some circumstances, there may be benefits, grants or other financial support available to you.



The Turn2us Benefits Calculator cannot accurately calculate benefit entitlement for young people aged 16 or 17.

To read about the benefits available for some young people select from the list below:

Benefits Calculator

To check what benefits you might be entitled to quickly and easily, you can use the Turn2us Benefits Calculator.

Young people and Benefits

If you are aged under 18, there may be extra rules to meet to get benefits

Care leavers and benefits

Read our guide to benefits for care leavers

Apprenticeships and benefits

Read our guide to apprenticeships and benefits

Young Carer Grant - Scotland

The Young Carer Grant is money for young carers who live in Scotland.

Job Start Payment - Scotland

Payments for young people in Scotland moving into work.


To find out what help may be available from grant giving charities, you can use the Turn2us Grants Search below: 

Advice and support

Turn2us is unable to offer advice on individual situations. To find an adviser in your area to discuss your situation with, you can use the Turn2us Find an Adviser tool below: