
Qualifying young person

A 'qualifying young person' is someone aged 16 or over but under 20 who satisfies one of the conditions below:

  • they are aged 16, have left 'relevant education' or training, and the 31 August following the sixteenth birthday has not yet been passed, or

  • they are aged 16 or 17, have left education or training, are registered for work, education or training, are not in remunerative work and are still within their 'extension period', or

  • they are on a course of full-time non-advanced education, or are doing 'approved training', and they began that education or training before reaching the age of 19, or

  • they have finished a course of full-time non-advanced education, but are enrolled on another such course (other than one provided as a result of their employment), or

  • they have left 'relevant education' or 'approved training' but have not yet passed their 'terminal date'.
