
Getting Into Work - Disabled people and work

Looking for work or working? See what help may be available to you through national and local employment services and schemes.

Disabled people and work

Disability Employment Advisers

If you need advice, your local Jobcentre Plus (England, Scotland and Wales) or local Jobs and Benefits Offices (Northern Ireland) can put you in touch with one of their Disability Employment Advisers. It does not matter if you are working or looking for work.

Depending on your needs, they may be able to offer you:

  • Advice on your current working situation, including possible adjustments to make your job easier to manage

  • Employment assessments

  • Referrals to work programmes to suit your individual needs

  • Job-matching and referral services.

Access to Work Grant

Financial help may also be available to you through the Access to Work grant scheme.

The Access to work grant can pay for practical support if you have a disability, health or mental health condition and you start working, need help to stay in work or move into self-employment or start a business. (The grant is not for business start-up costs.)

The grant can help you to meet the costs of travel to work; provide a support worker or pay for special equipment that you need to obtain to remain in employment.

How much grant help you can get will depend on your circumstances. The money you receive does not have to be paid back and does not affect your benefits.

For further information see Gov.UK Access to Work and Gov.UK Access to Work factsheet

Trade unions, staff associations and professional organisations

Trade unions, staff associations and professional organisations attached to your occupation may also be able to provide support and advice.

More information

The Gov.UK website has information on Looking for work if you're disabled, disability employment advisers and disability work schemes

Disability Rights UK has information on Education, Skills and Employment

Northern Ireland

If you live in Northern Ireland, the NI Direct website has information on Employment Support.

Related Information

Your Situation: Ill, Injured or Disabled

Reviewed: April 2022


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