
Getting Into Work - Northern Ireland - Work Schemes and Help

Looking for work or working? See what help may be available to you through national and local employment services and schemes.

Northern Ireland - Work Schemes and Help

See also UK and Multiple Nation Schemes

General information

For general information on getting into work in Northern Ireland, see the NI Direct website section: Helping you into work 

Self employment

The NI Direct website has information on Starting your own business and becoming self-employed. This includes details of any schemes that might be available to support you into self employment.

See also Self Employment National Schemes

Transport Costs

For what is available on a UK wide basis, see Getting Into Work: Help with Transport Costs

If you’re unemployed, or under written notice of redundancy and actively seeking work, the Northern Ireland Travel to Interview Scheme can help you with the cost of travelling to job interviews in the UK, Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. This scheme is discretionary and has conditions attached to it.

Reviewed: April 2022


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