
Hospital and benefits - Carers

When you or someone in your family go into or come out of hospital, the benefits you get may change.


If you get Carer's Allowance for looking after another person, your Carer's Allowance might stop when you go into hospital. Carer's Allowance will stop being paid when you have been in hospital for 12 weeks. It may stop before 12 weeks if you have had other breaks from caring in the six months before you go into hospital.  

If someone gets Carer’s Allowance for looking after you, their benefit will stop after you have been in hospital for 28 days. When you come out of hospital, they will need to reclaim Carer's Allowance.

If someone who was getting Carer’s Allowance was also getting additional amounts in their other benefits because they are a carer, the additional amount will carry on being paid for eight weeks after the Carer’s Allowance stops.

If they were getting a Carer’s Element in Universal Credit, their Carer’s Element will stop after you have been in hospital for 28 days.


  • Carers
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