
Hospital and benefits - Your partner's or carer's benefits when you go into hospital

When you or someone in your family go into or come out of hospital, the benefits you get may change.

Last reviewed 04 October 2021

Your partner's or carer's benefits when you go into hospital

Your partner should tell whoever pays them benefits that you have gone into hospital. The amount of benefit they get may change if you are likely to be in hospital for a long time or if they are your carer.

Your carer will stop getting Carer’s Allowance once you have been in hospital for 28 days. You must also tell the people paying your benefits if your partner starts work, claims another benefit or has any other change in circumstances that could affect the amount of benefit you or they get.    

If you are going to be in hospital for more than six months, your partner might have to claim benefits for themselves. Most new claims for benefits are claims for Universal Credit.

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