
Presence and Residence Tests - Which Presence or Residence Tests do I have to pass?

To get most benefits you have to be present in the UK and pass tests regarding your residency. This guide explains more about this.

Last reviewed 19 June 2023

Which Presence or Residence Tests do I have to pass?

Check the table below to find out which presence and residence tests you have to satisfy in order to get a particular benefit. Note that you must continue to satisfy these tests to continue to be entitled to the benefit, including if you are getting a benefit for which no new claims can be made. 

Benefit Which Presence Test? Which Residence Test?
Adult Disability Payment (in Scotland) Presence and Past Presence Test Ordinary Residence Test and Habitual Residence Test
Attendance Allowance Presence and Past Presence Test Habitual Residence Test
Bereavement Support Payment Presence Ordinary Residence Test
Best Start Grant (in Scotland) No test  Ordinary Residence Test (and, if you're under 20 and don't get a qualifying benefit, Habitual Residence Test)
Carer’s Allowance Presence and Past Presence Test Habitual Residence Test
Child Benefit Presence and Living in UK for three months Ordinary Residence Test and Right to Reside Test
Child Disability Payment (in Scotland) Presence and Past Presence Test Ordinary Residence Test and Habitual Residence Test
Child Tax Credit (new claims only possible for refugees) Presence and Living in UK for three months Ordinary Residence Test and Right to Reside Test
Child Winter Heating Assistance (in Scotland) No test Live in Scotland
Contributory Employment and Support Allowance Presence No test
Contribution-based Jobseeker’s Allowance Presence No test
Council Tax Support Presence Habitual Residence Test and Right to Reside Test
Disability Living Allowance Presence and Past Presence Test Habitual Residence Test
Funeral Payment / Funeral Support Payment (in Scotland) Presence Ordinary Residence
Guardian's Allowance Presence and Living in UK for three months Ordinary Residence Test and Right to Reside Test
Housing Benefit  Presence Habitual Residence Test and Right to Reside Test
Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance (no new claims can be made) Presence  Habitual Residence Test and Right to Reside Test
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (no new claims can be made) Presence Habitual Residence Test and Right to Reside Test
Income Support (no new claims can be made) Presence Habitual Residence Test and Right to Reside Test
Industrial Injuries Benefits Presence No test
Maternity Allowance Presence No test
Pension Credit Presence Habitual Residence Test and Right to Reside Test
Personal Independence Payment Presence and Past Presence Test Habitual Residence Test
Scottish child payment (in Scotland) Presence Ordinary Residence
State Pension Presence No Test
Sure Start Maternity Grant No test  Live in England and Wales
Universal Credit Presence Habitual Residence Test and Right to Reside Test
Winter Fuel Payment  No test  Ordinary Residence
Winter heating payment (in Scotland) No test Live in Scotland
Working Tax Credit (no new claims can be made) Presence Ordinary Residence
Young Carer Grant (in Scotland) No test Ordinary Residence Test and Habitual Residence Test

The following benefits have no residence or presence rules:


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