
Getting Into Work - Help from Charitable Funds

Looking for work or working? See what help may be available to you through national and local employment services and schemes.

Help from Charitable Funds

If you are looking for work, you may be able to get help from a charitable fund, depending on your background, circumstances and needs.

Each fund will be different in what help they can offer but it might include: 

  • Charitable grants to help with the costs of starting work and/or employment services provided by the charity itself or through referral to other organisations.
  • Employment services such as CV writing, information, advice, job placements, training or retraining opportunities.


  • ABTA Lifeline, which helps people in the travel industry who work or worked for ABTA members, may help people back into work by helping with grants to help with the costs of interview clothes, training, costs to get to interview, IT and other essential costs.

  • Some Armed Forces charities offer employment help to people (grants and practical services) who are serving personnel or veterans, including Royal British Legion and poppyscotland (if you live in Scotland).

Finding charitable funds

You can use our Grants Search to look for charities that might be able to help you.

Reviewed: April 2022


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